Apply to become a
YO! Youth Advisory Council Member
The YO! YAC is made up of 7 - 9 youth with disabilities across the state ranging in age from 16 - 28 that are familiar with the YO! program and want to use their leadership skills to make it even better. The YO! YAC provides valuable input on policy issues, community organizing campaigns and program priorities. They meet at least once a quarter by phone or webinar and occasionally in-person. Youth who are interested are encouraged to apply.
Toll-Free YO! Line
(866) 296-9753 • (800) 900-0706 TDD
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The support of our funders and donors helps keep YO! Disabled & Proud running strong year after year. The more funding we receive, the more youth we can organize in the pursuit of their rights and education. Please Make a Donation, Keep YO! Going Strong…