Students with Disabilities Experience the Greatest Risk of Suspension June 29th, 2012

A report released in April of 2012 Suspended Education in California

This report covers an assessment of nearly 500 school districts and reveals to the public the unusually high levels of risk for suspension as well as the stark differences in discipline when these risks are presented by race, gender and disability status.

Students with Disabilities Experience the Greatest Risk for Suspension: The 2009-2010 Office of Civil Rights survey collected discipline rates for students with disabilities for all suspensions, and for the first time included short term suspensions of one day or more. This allowed us to compare their suspension rate with those of their non-disabled peers.

It found that students with disabilities experience twice the risk for suspension statewide, compared to their non-disabled peers. Approximately 1 in 7 students with disabilities (13.4%) received an out-of-school suspension statewide compared with about 1 in 16 students without disabilities (6.4%). Strikingly similar patterns can be seen across all racial groups-in every case, students with disabilities were more likely to have been suspended out-of-school than those without.
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